Since being crowned Miss Junior Teen Great Britain in 2016, Erin White has gone on to star in the BBC three reality TV show ‘Heartbreak Holiday’. This saw Erin travel to Greece and film alongside other teenagers! Whilst filming for the show, Erin...
Molly-Mae is a successful influencer, model and business owner. Molly-Mae competed in her first pageant, Miss Teen Great Britain in 2015. She loved the experience so much, that she returned the following year and was crowned one of the winners, winning the World Teen...
Milli Jo Mcloughlin Milli Jo is a successful content creator and one half of The McLoughlin Girls on TikTok! Milli Jo and her sister Megan’s videos often go viral and they have racked up an incredible two million TikTok followers! Thanks to Milli’s...
Misha Grimes is YouTube and Instagram superstar and her career as a fashion influencer and vlogger has seen her travel all over the world! Misha Grimes took part in the Miss Teen Great Britain competitions three times before she won the World Teen Supermodel UK crown...
Daisy Whetlor is a very successful beauty queen who started her pageant journey back in 2011 when she took part in the first ever Miss Teen GB competition! Daisy loved the competition so much that she re-entered for the following year and won the crown! Since then,...
Harriotte Lane from Newcastle, won the Miss Junior Teen Great Britain crown in 2015 on her second attempt! Harriotte completely fell in love with fundraising and making appearances and the Miss Junior Teen GB title gave Harriotte the platform she needed to promote her...
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